Agriculture & Veterinary Sciences
Fields including Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences seeks to produce highly skilled and competent graduates who can exploit the dual strength of agriculture in the domains of sustainable production of safe and quality food and generation of renewable energy (bio-fuels) in an ecologically-friendly manner this training will focus on sound theoretical principles as well as practical and entrepreneurial skills with research it will emphasize community relevant and sustainable development projects. As agriculture passionate students, you will be having many queries related to the course. For that you can take assistance from the best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh.
- Agriculture & Agri Business
- Farm Management
- Horticulture
- Plant and Crop Sciences
- Veterinary Sciences & Medicine
Social Study & Media
Perception of promotion has been changed and with social media like web- and mobile-based technologies to support interactive dialogue and communication between organizations, communities, and individual subjects in which students communicate and learn are changing because of social media tools now schooling and studying not limited by four walls. Social media has expanded possibilities for teaching and learning. It has become the need of the society that will increase in future. If you are aspired to become a social media specialist, you must discuss the scope of this field with your best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh then further take the decision.
Subject Area Includes